We handle from planning to delivery of the final product

Constructing a commercial building involves many aspects that may overwhelm you. We can help you see the big picture and take pragmatic steps. Having worked on many construction projects, we make the best use of our experience when working on your project. Planning is the first and one of the most important aspects of the process. When we make plans, we factor in your perception, budget standards and specific requirements.

The turnaround time for estimates by our architects and contractors is quite less. We help you understand subtle aspects of the current market prices for well informed decisions. Our lines of communication are always open, and you can always tell us what your plans and expectations are. Our experienced architects can make sure that the designs of your buildings meet the existing building codes and regulations.

The tools and equipment we use when we work on construction projects:


  • 50-ton mobile cranes
  • Tower crane anti-collision system
  • Bobcats
  • Tele handlers
  • Passenger hoists
  • Plat compactors
  • Concrete vibrators
  • Steel bending machines
  • Air compressors and many more.

With these modern amenities, Evan Lim can meet your site requirements. We pay close attention to building orientation, site access and utility connections. We focus on these aspects of the project from the very start of the project.

Before you dive into a commercial construction project, you need to know about the functional needs, space and building flexibility. We can handle programming very efficiently and provide you with important information about the project.

Apart from building structures, we always focus on building relationships. We believe in the power of teamwork, and all our team members are dependent on one another. From the very first day, our mission is to make you happy with our work.

We are committed to lean principles: we always focus on maximizing value and minimizing waste. Our workers are always encouraged to practice accountability, efficiency and innovation while delivering projects faster. Higher quality, less rework and improved morale are some of our policies.

We have successfully completed many projects including government ministries, road and transportation agencies, luxury condominiums, and large commercial enterprises. Numerous clients have relied on us and we have always tried to respect their expectations. If you are thinking of a construction project, Evan Lim can walk you through the entire process.

Let’s Work Together

Evan Lim–Penta is a partnership formed in July 2007 between Evan Lim & Co Pte Ltd, Singapore and Penta Construction Co. LLC, a Dubai based contracting company.










Building Renovation

Architecture Planning



P.O. Box 89255, Dubai – UAE

+971 4 422 7153
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